
Radio Frequency & Integrated Circuits Systems Lab





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Projects Selection in IEEE Solid State Circuit Society (SSCS) PICO International Open Source Tapeout Contest 2022.

Six integrated circuit (IC) designs proposal from the ICD research group got selected in the prestigious IEEE solid-state circuit society (SSCS), platform for IC design outreach (PICO) program 2022. The participants from more than 52 countries applied in the contest. Only 18 project selected and 6 was from ICD research lab.

MS IC Design Tapeout Projects Spring 2021

Eight projects were taped in August 2021 on two 1x1mm2 ICs out using tsmc65nm node, Each IC had four projects integrated on it. The projects covered the scope of; Digital, analog, Mixed-signal, and RF IC domains.



WhatsApp Image 2021-08-20 at 12.55.25 PM (2)







Projects Selection in IEEE Solid State Circuit Society (SSCS) PICO International Open Source Tapeout Contest 2021.

Three integrated circuit (IC) designs proposal from the ICD research group got selected in the prestigious IEEE solid-state circuit society (SSCS), platform for IC design outreach (PICO) program 2021. The participants from more than 152 countries applied in the contest. The tapeout and packaging cost will be bear by the SSCS under this program, which is around 11,000 US$ per shuttle.




New Class of Fuel Sensor


Novel self-calibrated fuel sensor to detect minor changes in the quality of fuel using the its dielectric constant.



Winner of Innovation Award









Department of Electrical Engineering,


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Tel: +92-(51 )111 128 128, Ext:389, Fax (051) 8314119