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Radio Frequency Circuits Systems & Sensors Lab

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Introduction to Radio Electronics

  Introduces logarithmic scales in radio frequency (RF) units, superheterodyne and Zero intermediate frequency (IF) radio communication architectures, receiver characterization, transceiver architectures, and operation of basic radio blocks. Covers the Smith chart, S-parameters, Impedance matching, analysis and design of RF circuit blocks including low noise amplifiers, mixers, and power amplifiers. Discusses limitations due to power, frequency, and nonlinear distortions.


Reference Books:
1. Course Compendium along with Tutorials for numerical exercises.

1. Razavi. B, RF Microelectronics, 2nd Edition, Prentice Hall, 2011,  ISBN-13: 978-0137134731
Books:2.Ludwig R. and Bogdanov G, RF Circuit Design: Theory and Applications, 2nd edition, Prentice Hall, 2008.

a. Brief list of topics to be covered
i. Log scale for RF measurements (dB, dBm, dBc)
ii. Noise and Non-Linearities in radio receiver blocks
iii. Relation of system specification (gain, NF, and IP3) to block level specification
iv. Basic Radio Architectures:Superhetrodyne, Zero-IF and Low-IF
v. Smith chart and S-parameters
vi. Impedance matching techniques using lumped elements
vii. Analysis and basic design principles of RF Low Noise Amplifier (LNA)
viii. Analysis and basic design principles of RF passive mixer
ix. Analysis and basic design principles of RF Power Amplifier (PA)

b. Specific Outcomes of Instruction
This course requires the student to demonstrate the following:
1. Perform conversion of linear and dB scales for power, gain, noise, and linearity metrics
2. Characterize the receiver chain in terms of noise floor and IP3usingFriss formula
3. Discuss the impact of interference on receiver characteristics
4.Comparesuperheterodyne and Zero-IF radios architectures
5. Use advanced software tools to simulate different aspects of radio architectures
6. Design impedance matching circuits
7. Design and analyze different transceiver circuits such as LNA, mixer, and PA

High Speed PCB design and Signal Integrity Analysis 

1. This two-week course was offered in Islamabad in 2010. Find the Lecture slides in PDF:

·         Lec1_Introduction_PCB_Design.pdf

·         Lec2_PCB_Materials.pdf

·         Lec3_IC_Packages_Connectors_FAST.pdf

·         Lec4_Signal_TxRx_IBIS_Models_FAST.pdf

·         Lec5_TX_Lines_FAST.pdf

·         Lec6_Parallesim_Xtalk_DiffrenPair.pdf

·         Lec7_Zo_Control_Ref_ter-buses.pdf

·         Lec8_Power_Stackup_Grounding_Split_Planes.pdf

·         Lec9_Noise_EMI_DFM_Foundry_FAST.pdf

·         Lecc10_SI_Thermal_RofThumbs.pdf


2. RF PCB design and Signal Integrity Analysis; This three-day course was offered in Islamabad in 2010. Find the Lecture PDF:


·         RF_PCB_Lec1.pdf

·         RF_PCB_Lec2.pdf

·         RF_PCB_Lec3_Case_Study.pdf 

Electronic Circuits:

To get the access to the tutorials & animations go to the Tutorial Page.



A brief list of topics to be covered

·         Low and high-frequency models for transistors. 

·         Small-signal analysis and design of single-stage MOSFET amplifiers.

·         Small-signal analysis and design of single-stage BJT amplifiers.

·         Frequency response characteristics of amplifiers.

·         Multistage amplifiers: Small signal analysis and Frequency response characteristics of multistage amplifiers.

·         Negative feedback: Properties and the four basic feedback topologies.

·         Wave shaping: Basic principles of Sinusoidal Oscillators, Op Amp-RC Oscillator circuits, LC and crystal Oscillators, Multi-vibrators, and Voltage controlled oscillators (VCO). 

·         Output stages and power amplifiers: Classification.


Reference Books

1. Microelectronic Circuit Design, R. C. Jaeger & T. N. Blalock, 3rd Ed., McGraw-Hill, 2008.

2. Microelectronic Circuits, Sedra & Smith, 6th International Ed., Oxford University Press, 2009
Reference Books:Behazad Razavi, 1st Ed., Wiley, 2008.,

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